In June, the 9th Annual Scientific Workshop of the Australian Centre for HIV and Hepatitis Virology Research (ACH2) was held at The Carrington Hotel, Katoomba NSW. This year the ACH2 Workshop was attended by 117 delegates, including 37 students. The Workshop continued the intimate theme where research from both HIV and Hepatitis researchers is presented and discussed with the prospect of networking and future collaborations. 70 presentations were given on categories such as Virus Entry and Replication, Pathogenesis, Methods, Vaccines, Therapy and Drug Resistance, and Virus/Host interactions.

The HIV plenary was delivered by Dr. Richard Koup, Vaccine Research Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda Maryland USA on ‘Immunopathogenesis of HIV/SIV Infection’. The HCV plenary was presented by Professor Heiner Wedemeyer, Principal Investigator, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endocrinology, Hannover Medical School, Germany on ‘HCV and NK cells’.

The meeting was highlighted by excellent presentations from younger members of the HIV and Hepatitis research community.

We thank our generous sponsors for their support:

Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing
Australian Centre for HIV and Hepatitis Virology Research (ACH2)
Australian Centre for Hepatitis Virology (ACHV)
Gilead Sciences Pty. Ltd. Roche Diagnostics Australia Pty. Ltd.
Westmead Millennium Institute for Medical Research

For more information